infinite return

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Story of Pixie Windchime

The story of Pixie Windchime

One day a long time ago a little girl was born named Pixie Windchime.

Her parents knew there was something special about her, but couldn’t figure out what it was. Her parents were very poor and ther were afraid that they would not be able to care for their little daughter that they loved so much. So, one very sad day, they went to the orphanage and asked the kind monks if they would take care of her and raise her in the monestary. They said, yes, for there were many children like Pixie living there already.

The monks looked at Pixie in wonderment. “What a special little girl we have here.” “yes, Yes, quite extraordinary” said another monk. “What is going on here!” said the master, “ who is this little girl” “why, it’s pixie windchime” said the monk. “Hmm…” and the master picked Pixie up and said “ back to your meditation practice young disciples..there is much work ahead of you if you are ever going to understand impermanence.” And the younger monks quickly scurried off to their mediation cushions.

The master looked down at little Pixie, and said “ok little one, lets join the others for some breakfast.”

Days passed. Pixie meditated 2 twice a day, learned the moral codes, science, biology, and language. She grew up and flourished in the monastary. Growing up she demonstrated some amazing abilities. For example, she could balance on a fence post, which delighted everyone. She could do a handstand. She could even outrun all the young monks in a footrace. And sometimes she would find the highest tree and climb to the top and hide from the rest of the children. They would worry “ Pixie, where are you?!” and quietly she would remain at the top of the tree.